Global Technical Support
We support you with the development of your crop protection products (biocontrol and regular AgChem), biostimulants, fertilizers and seeds.
With the expertise of our global project managers we are able to respond to many of your requests and help you initiate and monitor your specific projects around the world.
The expertise of our field research scientists and the quality of our field trials facilities located in key agriculture countries, we guarantee a rigorous work and we deliver accurate results .
Equal opportunities
Team work
Our Spirit
The world and especially modern agriculture lives in times of change. It is obvious that we are now surrounded by a huge amount of new technologies and scientific innovation, research breakthroughs and countless working tools to carry out our duties on our farms, fields, greenhouses or laboratories more than ever before in human history.
Agriculture productivity and its supply chain are surrounded by the challenges of climate change, a growing human population, a steady increase of resistant pests and ubiquitous shortages of natural resources.
Our company, BIOTEK AAA perceives the need to act quickly to facilitate this technology transfer in between farmers, growers, researchers and the crop protection industry to enhance and promote sustainability as part of the necessary change of agricultural production worldwide.
By 2050, the United Nations estimate a human population of approximately 10 billion people of which close to 70% will be living in urban areas. Most of the world population will be living in the developing countries and on three main continents which are Asia, Africa and America. This is where BIOTEK AAA will continue developing.
Our aim as a Contract Research Organization is to be able to cope with the fulfillment of international and local regulations, assessing how the trial implementation work must be done in the fields and laboratories according to our customers’ product development needs and targets.
Our internal methodologies and SOPs are ensuring the full compliance of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Good Experimental Practices (GEP) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Implementing the experimentation work under the strictest protocols and most rigorous quality parameters, is ultimately resulting in a safe agricultural development.